
Showing posts from December, 2017

It's Gonna Be New Year's Eve

It's Gonna Be New Year's Eve The coming New Year makes me think of days gone past. When I was young we played games that still hold a special place in my heart. First off a little something called Duck Duck Goose. Here's how it worked. Kids sat in a circle and one of the children went along the outside of that circle patting kids on their heads. While he did this he would say, "Duck," every time he would touch one until he said, "GOOSE!" and took off running around the circle. The person who he'd touched stood up and took off running after him and if that person beat him back to their original spot-nothing changed. But if he didn't he would be the person saying, "Duck Duck Goose." Man, I loved that game and was determined to never be the Duck Duck Goose caller. I wonder if kids today even know Duck Duck Goose. Got another one for ya. Remember Red Light Green Light? 1-2-3? You'd line up about ten feet from the main pers