⚠️ Survivor of Hit-n-run Recovers from Brain Injury at Osceola Regional Medical Center

Survivor of Hit-and-run Recovers from Brain Injury at Osceola Regional Medical Center

John Silver recalls all the things he forgot. 

"In the course of four hours, I lost the ability to walk, talk, read, write, or recall any of my life." 

--Jungyeon Roh 

Now, Silver wants to share his recovery with others. He knows recovering from a traumatic brain injury, a little bleeding in brain (hemorrhage) amongst the other numerous injuries he suffered like a broken finger, and several contusions and fractures can be discouraging, especially during the holidays. As he continues to work on his recovery he is forever training to be an electrical and electronic engineering and plans to continue drawing, taking pictures and writing.

Jon Silver, a survivor of a hit-and-run, is starting just off the new year with hope and inspiration through art and words. Just short of decade ago Silver had a bright future ahead of him and he was looking forward to early retirement. He was on his way to the airport headed to an Air Force Base for work, when his dreamjob of working with the military was taken away from him in an instant. His motorcycle was struck by a vehicle backing out of a driveway, leaving him unconscious or in a coma for an unspecified duration at Oceola Regional Medical Center & Keystone Rehabilitation an out patient Facility.

After learning how to swallow, gain his equilibrium, walk, talk, draw and write again at Oceola Regional Medical Center's Inpatient Rehabilitation Center's & Keystone Rehabilitation Center, Silver has found inspiration in drawing and poetry. In the spirit of a new year and as a thank you to his therapists he sent a video to the hospital of him reading a poem he wrote about finding his physicality and words again.

An excerpt of the poem reads, "Without words and being physical how important can oxygen be? I thought this confidently as a heavy car hit me. My brain was rattled, knocking all of the words and physycallity out of my body and mind." In reference to his speech therapist he read, "She taught me alot, again but also unintentionally taught me how to smile, again. Thank you Marylina for reminding me that words and physicality matter."

The video shows a presentation by his gf... (Actors were hired to play the parts and names have been changed to protect the innocent.)

Read about what happens at Morton Plant Hospital 1- 1/2 yr later...


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